Expected format

The URL should return ‘:’separated content like “phonenumber:name”. Some phones support description tags that can simply be added behind the name. Example: “phonenumber:name:tag1:tag2:tag3”.


+35220333320:Echo test

Available helper URLs

  • Zimbra- http://zimbra.com
    • URL: https://pbxapi.mixvoip.com/pbxsync/zimbradownload/$SERVER/$USERNAME/$PASSWORD/$FOLDERS
    • $FOLDERS is an option that you can define with a list of contact folders (split by ‘|’) Example: customers|privat|business
  • Salesforce- http://salesforce.com | External Link
  • SugarCRM – http://sugarcrm.com
    • https://pbxapi.mixvoip.com/pbxsync/sugarcrm/$USERNAME/$PASSWORD/$SERVer/$PATH/$PROTOCOL
  • Carddav:
    • https://pbxapi.mixvoip.com/pbxsync/$USERNAME?password=$PASSWORD&server=$SERVER

We recommend this feature for phone books that have 30.000 or fewer entries. If you have more entries we suggest you use our realtime api feature.

CSV format

The first line in the CSV document is ignored and can be used as headers. We support 2 different modes for the CSV file. Either it contains structured data or non-structured data and we try to auto-detect the content. The first line (header line) is responsible to define the mode.

Structured format

Header line

The first column has the name or main label of the contact. All other columns start with #. define a number that should be callable. If the header does not start with #., then the content is considered to be a descriptive tag.


“Header.Name”,“#.Extension”,“#.Mobile”,“Other”,“Country”,“Email”,“ZIP” “Pascal Knebler”,12,691333179,“IT Manager”,“Luxembourg”,“pknebler@mixvoip.com”,8042 “Didelot Loic”,11,691539846,“PBX Manager”,“Luxembourg”,“ldidelot@mixvoip.com”8042 “Billing Department”,15,,,,

Unstructured format

Every value that is numeric and not in the first column is considered to be callable.


“Name”,“Extension”,“Mobile”,“Other”,“Country”,“Email” “Pascal Knebler”,12,691539847,“IT Manager”,“Luxembourg”,“pknebler@mixvoip.com” “Didelot Loic”,11,691539846,“PBX Manager”,“Luxembourg”,“ldidelot@mixvoip.com” “Billing Department”,15,,,,
We recommend this feature for phone books that have 30.000 or less entries. If you have more entries we sugget you use our realtime api feature.